Event security -micro course


Key points on event security as reported by the Finnish authorities.

The videos feature

  • Inspector Harri Aaltonen, Southwest Finland Police Department’s Event Security Team
  • Hannu Rantanen, Southwest Finland Rescue Department and
  • Petri Salminen, Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland.

The videos also feature

  • Security Manager Kari Koponen, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, and
  • Lotta Ahti, Safety Manager, Pyrotechnician and Harassment Liaison Officer.

Target group

The micro course is suitable for all event industry operators from all over Finland and for students studying the field.

Further information

The course is implemented on the Thinglink platform and runs both on a computer and in a mobile browser. The best experience of the world of 360 images you can get by using a computer, look at the introduction video. Registration form



Koulutus Avoin AMK
Toteutustapa Online course
Toteutusaika Non-stop
Aikataulut ja työskentelytavat The micro course is conducted independently and completed at one’s own pace online.

The content of the course consists of different videos and links, grouped according to topics and experts. The total duration of the videos is 34 minutes. In addition, there are texts to read.

The browser-based micro course is accessible as soon as you enroll. No registration is required. Registration form

Ilmoittautumisajat Starting from 23.1.2024
Vastuuhenkilö Benny Majabacka (etunimi.sukunimi@humak.fi) 
Neuvonta Avoimen AMK:n opintoihin, ilmoittautumiseen, maksuihin, todistuksiin liittyvä neuvonta:
p. 029 451 9230



  • Can consider the different aspects of event security.
  • Knows with which authorities event security is built.
  • Finds the information needed and uses it to organise event